Sunday, December 16, 2007

I Am Legion

I saw I am Legend Friday night and I have to say I was both impressed and disappointed by it. Here's the thing, I really like Omega Man, and though I've never read the original novel by Richard Matheson I have read the graphic novel version which I enjoyed. I read it while sipping hot cocoa in the cafe at Border's, however, which always tends to heighten my enjoyment of whatever it is I happen to be perusing at the time. For instance I can recall thoroughly enjoying an issue of Ultimate Elektra I read whilst sipping said cocoa in said Borders cafe. Suffice to say, that environment may not lend itself to critiquing comics. What the heck am I on about now anyway?

Right, I am Legend. It's a good movie. Not great, not especially memorable, and certainly not the best apocalyptic or zombie movie ever made, but still, I enjoyed it. Willy gave a great performance, it was directed with style, and the script was what I would call "serviceable". Where the movie falters most is during the final act. The anti-climactic ending of our heroes story, and the absurd twist the story takes in the finale both detracted greatly from the overall movie.

Okay so, I was well aware going into this that, despite what the ads were claiming, Will wasn't really the "Last Man on Earth". However, the whole woman-and-her-little-buddy showing up and suddenly informing Will of an entire colony of survivors was just kinda silly. Plus, the ending where he gives his life in a Bon Joviesque Blaze of Glory was a little too abrupt. I mean here we just sat through two hours of following this character, coming to like him and enjoy his zany last man alive lifestyle and then BLAMO! he pulls the pin and blows himself up. Which is followed by that ridiculous epilogue.

In retrospect I did enjoy the pacing of the movie and have to give some respect to the crew behind the movie for not making some sort of Michael Bay style zombie film. I liked the fact that we focused so much on the day to day existence rather than having one brainless action sequence after the next. Having said that, the movie never had enough action in the few sequences it did serve us to carry us through the duller moments of the film. I did find a few scenes exceptionally well done though, in particular the scene with Sam in the lab. I also loved the build up of the scene where Fred is mysteriously across town. That was just a fantastically paced part of the movie.

In closing I'll say that obviously I'm no film critic but if you care I am Legend is worth wasting your 8 bucks on. Watch it preferably on a weeknight or after the crowds have died down some though. I wish I could have watched it in a theater not filled with loud teenagers.


Seth Breedlove said...

How strange to find someone with the same name as me. It's not common.

I'm wondering if people are going to think I'm Satanist due to the header of you post.

Who would have thunk?

jeffkunze said...

I was really hoping he'd get "Jiggy" with that hot mannequin (wommequin) from the movie store!

Loved the movie too except for the digital night seekers or what ever they're called. Reminded me of the dead soldiers in the Mummy returns. OUCH!!