Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Best of 2008: Let it begin...

Last year I wrote up a lengthy entry which I doubt anyone actually took the time to pore through so this year I'll be shortening my list into a mini-series of entries. There was a grab bag of good stuff this year from the big two and I even got into some independent series' as well. I wish I had more time to read a more varied array of books but sadly I find that every year my time becomes less and less my own.

Anyway, lets start this puppy off with a bang and go with best Graphic Novel/Trade Paperback Collection of the year. I'll be making my choice based more on the quality of the stories told within the covers than, say the amount of "extras" or what have you. As Mario once so eloquently put it "Lets-A-GO!".

Best Graphic Novel/Trade Paperback Collection of '08

Fables VOL: 11 War and Pieces

Better than The Good Prince arc that preceeded it, War and Pieces is haunting, humorous, and full of adventure. Adventure in the truest sense of the word; the sort that you'd find in a Jules Verne or Mark Twain book. It is interesting to note that Willingham and Buckingham set out totell a store using pre established characters in a story referencing previous exploits and in many cases have written a story that in many cases bests the original.

Fables has become not only a great comic book but probably one of the finest pieces of ongoing fiction ever written. Like all great series' it transcends genre and it's characters live through the magnificent writing and always excellent art. As a mere literary series this would still do well but Buckingham seals the deal with every issue.

War and Pieces is one of, if not the best arcs of the series so far and it's outcome will have a far reaching impact on the Fables universe as a whole. After this story things will never be the same. If you haven't been keeping up with this series do yourself a favor and start picking it up. By far this was the best book I read all year.

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