Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Best of 2008: Can we just finish this please?

Best Ongoing Series of 2008: Green Lantern

I just can't get enough of this book. Though some of Geoff Johns work seemed slightly off to me this year he continued to put out his finest work issue after issue on this title. The character arcs have been interesting, the stories have been huge, and the art is the best DC has to offer right now.

I really was not looking forward to the Secret Origins storyline. For one thing I get sick of origin stories and for another following up Sinestro Corps. War with something so seemingly small scale seemed like a poor idea. I was so wrong. Not only was this a wonderful introduction to Hal's origins but it set up so many other story lines and Johns expertly wove them in with already-established GL lore. Fantastic book month in and month out.

Best Mini or Maxi Series of 2008: The Flash: Rogues Revenge

I'm a die hard Flash nut. A huge part of that is due to his rogues gallery. When I was just getting back into comics John's Flash run was one of the first series' I collected and I grew to love all the characters that inhabited Keystone. Particularly Captain Cold.

I know it was a stacked year with both of the big two unleashing their mega events but sadly both of those series' let me down in some way. Rogue's Revenge did not. For one thing it redeemed characters who had been languishing in stupidity since Johns quit writing them. For another it reunited Johns with the characters he writes the best. There are so many great moments in this tiny three issue series that its hard to believe its as short as it is. Ignore that whole Final Crisis tie in stuff. While it does tie in to the mega event this is simply a great revenge story staring the best villains in all of comics.

Best Storyline of 2008 in an Ongoing Series: X-Men: Messiah Complex

I'm not much of an X-Men fan. I just can't seem to get past the years and years of convoluted history that confuses me to no end. I loved this storyline. In fact I've loved everything Mike Carey and Ed Brubaker have been doing with these characters since they came on board.

Not only have they made these books accessible but they've written the best crossover event I've seen since... probably something to do with Batman from the 90's. While I was lost a couple times as to who was who and what their motivations were this storyline was like the biggest chase movie never filmed. Good job guys. I finally care about the X-Men.

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