Monday, July 19, 2010

Here's a Thing!!!

The first podcast is up! Give it a listen, then post your scathing remarks and tell us how terrible it is and how much you hate us and we'll make sure to pay close attention and try to change to suit your irritable mood swings.

As a disclaimer this first episode was recorded late at night during a thunderstorm that caused serious problems with Skype that caused Paul and I to lose contact about three times. Editing everything back together off the fragmented audio tracks was a bear and eventually I got bored so what you have here is as good as you're gonna get.

We'll have an iTunes store up very soon, but in the meantime if you'd like to download an mp3 version of the podcast to share with your friends or aging grandparents click to download!! 

Our second episode is already recorded and edited and will no doubt be up some time tonight. Ears... peeled... or something.

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